Marble Falls Club Members, Kim Kankel & husband, Darrell, President Russell Sander and Tammie Sander assist with Global Grant Project in Sarita, Tx. Plants in retention pond of the Sarita Elementary School help filter the run off from the building and parking lot before the water enters the watershed that lead to Baffin Bay. Grant hosted by the Rotary Club of Corpus Christi.

On October 19, members of the Marble Falls Rotary Club and the Hill Country Passport Club helped with a global grant project in Sarita, TX. The project involved planting plants in retention pond of the Sarita Elementary School. The plants will help filter the run off from the building and parking lot before the water enters the watershed that lead to Baffin Bay. The project was one of the first of the Bring Back Baffin Bay environmental project. The grant was hosted by the Rotary Club of Corpus Christi. Members from District 5870 were Kim Kankel, Darrell Kankel, Tammie Sander, and Russell Sander