

Larry Sherwood passes the mallet to Mendy Ritchie and the new Rotary board. 

Listed below are our new Rotary board members:

President:  Mendy Ritchie

President Elect:  Jeff Matera

President Nominee:  Mandy McCary

Past President: Larry Sherwood

Foundation Chair:  Herb Lewis

Treasurer:  Johnny Lacy

Secretary:  Sue Thornton

Sargent-at-Arms:  Tammy Hefner

Community Service:  Jim Gallagher

Fundraising Chair:  Corey Skahill

Club Service:  Carol Barton

International Service:  Michael Thames

New Generation:  Bruce Jackson

Public Relations:  Heike Jost

Vocational Service:  Celia Merrill

Web Master:  Cody Johnson

Club Programs:  Leslie Rowe

Director-at-Large:  Steve Hurst

Director-at-Large:  Barney Sarver