Toys collected at our Christmas Party were delivered to the Marble Falls Police Department's Blue Santa! There are going to be some VERY happy kids this year!!!

Marble Falls Club Members, Kim Kankel & husband, Darrell, President Russell Sander and Tammie Sander assist with Global Grant Project in Sarita, Tx. Plants in retention pond of the Sarita Elementary School help filter the run off from the building and parking lot before the water enters the watershed that lead to Baffin Bay. Grant hosted by the Rotary Club of Corpus Christi.

President Russell Sander and Fire Chief Tommy Crane bravely raise $2500 towards eradicating polio with a pie to the face!
The Rotary Club of Marble Falls delivered Chik-fil-A lunch to the Habitat for Humanity building crew on Wednesday July 24th at 709 Downs Dr. in Grantie Shoals, Tx. A tour was given of the build to learn more about Habitat for Humanity